Beth MacLeanOrganization Design, Change, and Transformation Expert
20 years experience in organization development, organization design and strategic change Known for strategic thinking paired with practical solutions Believes in aligning strategy with organization to unlock performance Resides in San Francisco Bay Area |
Beth is an experienced organization consultant delivering performance improvements to clients in a variety of industries and disciplines, including supply chain, retail, wholesale apparel, and consumer packaged goods. She offers a breadth of organization development services, including organizational assessment, strategy development, leadership facilitation, organization design, change management, process improvement, and large group meeting facilitation. She has held internal OD roles at Gap Inc. and Levi Strauss & Co., as well as consulting on key projects at Clorox and Nike.
Beth draws from her years of experience to quickly gain insights about how well aligned an organization is to deliver to its strategy. She excels in partnering with leaders and teams as they envision new possibilities, develop strategic plans, and determine organization implications. She enjoys helping teams clarify their strategic requirements and understand what that means for developing organization capabilities and aligning organization design. She is adept at determining the right change management strategies and approaches for the situation and organization. From her experience, Beth knows that the most successful solutions are developed in partnership with leaders in organizations. She loves sharing her knowledge and “toolkit” with others, delivering business impact and helping leaders grow. Beth holds a bachelors degree from UC Berkeley and an MBA from Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband, two daughters, and piebald cat. She loves to swim, lead Girl Scouts, and root for the Cal Bears. “Beth's expertise in supply chain organization design was invaluable. She is a pragmatic, strategic thinker. If you want to make a big change, Beth is the person to have.” ~ James Foster, Chief Supply Chain Officer, Clorox ALL Testimonials
David Love - Chief Supply Chain Officer, Levi Strauss & Co. "Beth gets up to speed quickly, and is able to make an impact on org design right away. She understands how supply chains work, and how to design and align the organization for performance. She sees and understands the direct and indirect consequences of org design. She works with a high level of trust and with a straightforward, direct style." Rob Wiley - SVP Sourcing & Production, Levi Strauss & Co. "Beth's focus on business outcomes was a great asset on our project. Not only did we exceed our original targets but we delivered significant results in a new way. Often projects take on a life of their own and original intent is lost. Beth helped keep us focused on our goals to deliver significant business transformation in rapid fashion." Kelly Dozois - Senior Partner, Ocean Beach Consulting "When I think about partnering with Beth . . . the words and feelings that come to mind are trust, intelligence, focused on doing the right thing, reliable, hard working, caring…what more could you want in a consulting partner? She is a valued colleague and friend that I would feel confident bringing into any client engagement!" |